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Powered By Joy

Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. JOTP provides the factor commonly missed in the kids' development pyramid. We use Free Play as a key ingredient to set up this child development. 


 All invited, No cost, Monitored, Music, Soccer, Futsal, Fun

St. Paul 890 Cromwell JOTP Gym

  • Thursdays 3:30-5 PM

  • Fridays 3:30-5 PM

SLP --Lennox Gym  6715 Minnetonka Blvd

  • Fridays 4-6 PM

Bring appropriate shoes, be sure to sign a waiver



The Why, What and how of FreePlay

Learn the principles and practices of implicit free play and what it teaches.  Learn how to simply apply the methods to create a healthy foundation for kids



Building the Play Environment

JOTP provides turn key best practice bases on the latest science on cognitive learning .  Everything you need from build a vibrant and active foundational development for your club.



Building Your Club

Play is the reason kids want to be involved in sports.  By building this adjunct your club will build loyalty and families that are part of your program for the correct reasons.

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